HOMO SOMES-queer notions
C ommon knowledge said that men are from Mars and girls are from Venus.Common knowledge always baffled me! but i didn`t try to undo it this time.This saga takes instinctively a more unique note,caressing unabatedly through the darker shades to the limelight in recent times.Not even a minute scale of my mind gardened this human behaviour,not for once ever!, but this was inferred to me without a slightest of provocations.Here ,i may attempt a rescue to save you from my digressions of thoughts,but here something`s gotta give sooner rather than later. Fear assumes various degrees.There was one fear of the dark( stemming from the fear of Endopyrox lately),but i somehow grew to live with my fears.Time travel hallucinations were soothened out to some plausible escapes from the rattrap around.Resistance turned into submittance and it eased all. zzuupppp.......black ...faint.... GYM INSTRUCTOR`S NOISE- "loose ,t...