Common knowledge always told that under the influence of alcohol, even walking on a straight line was a difficut task, let alone a curve. Common knowledge always baffled me! So, i tried to undo it , faltering endlessly. The curve i traced around the straight path or precisely the haphazardnous of its very being made me strike the notions-the line had an infinite radius!
That chosen moment and hours in vicinity turned out to be the highlight reel of the otherwise disinteresting projection of quagmires of life, reeking endlessly interspersed with numerous 'hanging of computer " phenomenon.I am still painting it for you to see, with the digression in the previous statement.Thought of it as the limit,my array of thoughts digressed more.
NOISES! that pulled me out from the haze:
  • "here you have some mint"
  • "the smell ,the breath"
  • "take in gallons of water and pee out even more"
  • "go go go,your room says it all"
NOISES that left my throat:
" i am totally in control"
"even 5 more shots will do"

Following this was a hurried period of activities trying to go straight over what i could make of those noises.

I will surely try not to talk about my time-travel hallucinations here but we halt here for now---
MY BEDROOM, AUG 20, 11:12 PM

My solemn corpse -like presence doesnot bother the lizard above as she devours ferociously.My hand tumbling the remains of my pocket which feels minus 200 bucks.All the resistance vanishes as time travel takes over me......zzuppp....faint...

My eyes betrayed it,he said and i felt he was stirring! Moments adrift ,i am pleading as the warden calls my home to reveal it all and he easily does it.In midst of salty tears, something then unzipped and i was at ease.
Common knowledge always told that under the influence of alcohol, even walking on a straight line was a difficut task, let alone a curve and i felt like i managed the line.The music to follow may be hard to plug but something soothed me out.No, not the tears.
Time travel ends with a ping on g-talk. My heavens! My lappy had gone bad last week.These voices in my head!!

HOME CALLING ! HOME CALLING! Now, my phone is shaking. 6 MISSED CALLS.
I can not face the music.I am not picking up.
I lay unperturbed with my gaze on the lizy who still is vicious.

I could never scale the line. I was meant to chalk curves. Was i more awake then or now??
My mind faded then but atleast i intentionally tried hard to move on a line ,failed though.Now, the irony is that i can not even see the line!

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