Wanderer man's land

"I got wanderlust branded deeper than bone,
I got wanderlust lost in no man`s land,
I got a lust for wandering lost in no man`s land,
I got wanderlust"

As i unplug my earpieces and grab a pen to jot down these lines of a certain Megadeth song,precisely cause this well and truly says it all about an instance of my life which can be labelled as a "life changer" or "eye-opener".There are instances of life you can go without and then there are some of these,which breeze through the our unconscience ,in process rendering a thought which proves a help in unpuzzling the pieces of life.Going with my way of clearing the glass by hazing it first,here i will make you go places.

Normally ,the earlier part of my blog would measure the ends of my digressions.Those digressions are nothing but wanderings of a vagabond mind. But remember,all those who wander are not lost.

My childhood was always a safe zone to be in.Guarded by the unbridled affection and soothing warmth of my biggies,the world for me was an imposing edifice called home sweet home.As a year and a half back i stepped out to hostel,the milieu proved unsettling for me ,as the scene outside my hostel window seemed too very oblivious and unknown.Though incapacitated i was physically,my mind would always wear new eyes while on its usual trips into a line of thought.As in hostel,feeling of being an adult started setting in and i scathed the wings of unabated freedom(drinking helped here).

WORD OF CAUTION HERE:Drinking may make you feel big but your warden may call it elsewise.

I realised something had to give sooner rather than later.I had to make that transition where i switched sides from boyhood to being a self-surviving entity.Steps that i took in this regard made me hasten a little too much.

This world was for me to explore.Let an uninhibited instinct guide me and let my mind just ponder and store.Then this happened-

Rinsed from an early bath with the day break catching up,i found my bums placed on rock hard cushions which they offered as seats ,on a UP Roadways bus destined for Haridwar .An unsettling GPL on reward,i focussed on my expectations out of SHAHI SNAAN of KUMBH MELA .

Kumbh was always a fascination for a child where by magic,after light-years,a broken neckgear would bring long-lost folks together.Thank lord,in my childhood,i was never fond of fashion accessories!!

A far-reaching spalsh of holy waters took my out of slumber and my eyes took to a distant gaze as hundreds of mortals flocked those sacred steps ,HAR-KI-PAURI,hoping to be UNDEMONISED by the snaan they were about to take and by the ramblings of a PILOT BABA and other scantily-clad sadhus ,not those who lived on alms,but highly learned men with a nation of blessing seekers.

My eyeballs scrutinizing the view more watchfully than the security forces,wandered upon a sleek human,graying figure,dishevelled hair,not a single black,tangled flowing beard to the chest and he had a CANON SLR.A kind of figure that would generate interset more out of doubt than anything.It moved without any prior intentions and muttered to me-

"seems like you are wearing new eyes today?"

Bowled by the truce of his statement, i let out only a disgruntled `what`.To which he got beside me and started blabbering in coarse tone.My mom advised to stay away from hallucinating thugs,but i was bound here,for this sadhu had an SLR camera.

He believed in only two ways of getting home,one of which was to stay there.Then he held my awe by his ramblings of his sails in Pacific,dance in corals,by his jungle discoveries of how sirens sang,of his dolphin ridings,his blindsides by the white in Alaska.He called the world his native land and a place foreign only coz he hadn`t been there.He went on about the road less taken,about his trips which ended only when he wished.He told that the best way to judge people was to travel with them.

I was drowned in the eyes of that wanderer,who was a valiant gladiator for me now.

He got up saying
"I was a stranger to you moments back only coz you shied away from a too direct question."

Then ,he handed me his camera to click me while he took a bath in ruffled waters.
I removed the lens cover and went through the lens to see him dropping inside water .
I waited for him to come out ,but he never came out,NEVER!!!!

To this day,i owe him a camera.

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  1. where's that camera.???


    gr8 work buddy..

    atleast u got aware of ultimate truth of lyf !!!

  2. thanks uncle...as deep as you go in philosophy, i should hear you say.


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