With Respect To

You would know this perhaps if you were an IITian, a class (of technicals) apart.To go with that if you were a NTSE scholar ,also surviving in one of the geekiest ,elite and technically demanding branches that engg. stream has to offer viz. Electronics,you gotta have a swagger about you.
They preached 'looks can be deceiving' but if you mastered an alarmingly high IQ level to top it with jaw-dropping killer personality(oh boy,that is framed),an aura of cockiness is resoundingly justified.Those confident and elegant communication skills do have your back when you go around show-offing yourself.For me,being a bond of such degree,developing an air of arrogance was easy.Termed 'atti',in IIT lingo,this arrogance gradually preceeded to take a big chunk of my personality.Considering myself a hot property,on-demand,a class par excellent individual,the exceeding arrogance and pride gradually led to a recession of a virtue in me called RESPECT.
Honestly speaking,i always pondered -there is no damn reason to duly pay anything to anyone,let alone respect when i am essentially a superior species.
'Respecting the elders' seemed one of the most nonsense sounding lessons,as graying hair and ageing your cells didn't make you a more fitting species,it is only a tantrum thrown to harness undue respect only by virtue of being ahead in terms of experience.No way you need to admit to any of your offences ,cause being a calm-headed, actin-up-to -the-situation guy,there must have been a solid motive behind every move i made.Respecting a professor,an achiever or somebody's success moved out of the window.World revolves around me and i am surrounded by under achieving gelatinous no-brainers!!
I firmly believe nature is magical.All doubts ,conflicts and disorders have their solutions floating around ,only our eyes are not glad enough.This overwhelming issue of brashness could very easily be addressed with some thorough retrospection.Refusing to respect anything only is a stimulus of that lurking fear and doubt inside about my inabilities and incapabilities.If i am insufficient in a certain job,why admit it by applauding another person or even creating an impression of being unable!!!
This could be due to prevailing insecurities about ourselves.I only appreciate what i indulge in,i am cold-indifferent to what i am not a part of( read what i am incapable of).This false sense of pride may very well cloud your thinking and have an honest opinion on things.
Feeling the psychiatrist in me bubbling to surface , i may draw out to a close here,this shell ,false in true sense,only is a way to evade the truth and eventually being on-the-run from life
I need to go ahead,admit it,admire it,appreciate it,because everything around is not mundane and respecting is only but a little award!!
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